Today I got a new wedding pretty!
I am actually pretty stoked about this. A long time ago I started noticing these pretty bowls popping up on the wedding blogosphere:
I automatically loved them, but wasn't sure what we were doing for our ring bearer yet. The idea of having a toddler out there in a tux is adorable, but useless. Sorry, but you know it's true! So I tucked the idea away for a rainy day. Some time later, I ran across
this post and
this post from Mrs. Hippo on Wedding Bee. You can read the details of why she wanted it, but for my purposes...I just really liked the idea. Also--that makes having a ring bearer a functional necessity. Yay! If you can't tell, sometimes I really hate the idea of doing something just because it's what you do for weddings. It's gonna be the underlying theme of this post.
SO. In the last few weeks, I've been shopping for accessories and wedding whatnots, which means I live on Etsy. Pretty much. Also because Jason's gone. I had marked Paloma's Nest as one of my favorite shops, and decided I should check out what's new on there. Mystical forces at work, my friends, because I ran across this new love of mine...
They certainly knew how to get me with this--"limited edition" and "only 2 left" might've swayed my decision to buy it. I'm fairly certain I could've DIY'd it somewhat successfully, but advertising won out and I decided to buy vs. make. The other downfall is that the only personalization available on this bowl was the year we're getting married...but no matter. I love it anyways. For the wedding, I think my nephew will be our ring bearer...he's what, 14ish now? And he can pass the ring around with our rings tied up safely. I think it'll be great for the guests to be able to touch the rings and this bowl is obviously the perfect size for your hand! Another reason I love it is because it can be functional after the wedding. I almost always take my ring off at night (otherwise I wake up with painful creases on my face where I managed to lay on my left hand...), and this gives me something beautiful to put it in! A pillow can't give me that....
Now, it's gratuitous picture time!
Nozzle's not impressed. |
I'm pretty proud of this decision! Also, I recommend Paloma's Nest bowls to anyone...they're as gorgeous in person as they are in the pictures!!!