Wednesday, January 25, 2012

The Early Years

So, as we established earlier, Beau and I met when we were both stationed in Las Vegas.  Beau was "Awaiting Pilot Training," for a year, which basically means he made popcorn and kept the pilot bar stocked for post-flying shenanigans.  I had been there for almost a year and had a fairly established group of friends.
One of the girls, Sandy, worked in roughly the same part of the base that Jason did, and he started hanging out with us because of her.  One night in June 2005, we were all out at Green Valley Ranch, and Jason showed up a few hours after we did.  He could probably tell you word for word our conversation, but I remember talking to him for a good while...and at the end of the night, he was a perfect gentleman and drove me to my car when everyone was ready to leave.  Even though I had a pretty serious boyfriend at the time, I remember wondering "why didn't he try to hit on me?" I was conceited, yes.  His thoughts after dropping me off ran along the lines of "she's the one."  But, because I was in a relationship, he never did anything about it and we just ended up as friends.  

Hanging out at one of my favorite bars
for my birthday... (all photos personal) a birthday party...
...and various other gatherings...

Apparently once, after I'd broken up with the aforementioned boyfriend, he admitted how he felt about me, but I did the "awww, that's cute" thing and brushed him off.  He even invited me to a really, REALLY nice work dinner hosted by the owner of the Orleans Hotel & Casino (the beginning of our fake-date charade), and I still blew him off and dated other guys.  Vegas might not've been my finest hour...but in my defense, he was going to be a PILOT.  They're typically known as cocky womanizers, and I kinda figured he'd go off to pilot training and I'd never see him again.

The night before he left for pilot training.  
Random fact: I met his dad this night, but don't remember it.
Beau did leave for pilot training in 2006, but I did see him one more time before I left Vegas.  When he was in F-16 training in Phoenix, he and his girlfriend at the time road tripped up to come hang out.  After that, it was about 2 years til I saw/heard from him again...

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