Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Meet Us

Meet Bunny.  That's me.

personal photo

My name is Shelley.  I'm a prior military officer turned housewife.  Why?  I have too many hobbies to pursue right now, like learning Japanese and roller derby, snowboarding, and baking!  And everyone needs a break sometimes.  Someday I'll get a job again.  
A long time ago, I went to the University of Kansas, graduated with a Journalism degree, and commissioned into the US Air Force as a Logistics (jack of all trades type) Officer.  Not my first choice, but I did get to live in Las Vegas for a few years, which is where I met my Beau.  I've deployed twice--once to Afghanistan, once to Iraq, but I don't really have any good stories for that...I mostly just sat at a desk and tried (somewhat unsuccessfully) to stay out of trouble.  I moved to Japan in 2008, which was pretty much a dream come true...I've always loved Japan.  In August of 2010 I decided I was going to separate from the Air Force;  a big scary decision but it was the right thing to do.  I had one more assignment before I was done, to Osan Air Base in South Korea.  I was supposed to get my resume together, but met super-awesome people and had a blast hanging out instead.  It ended up alright because I came back to Japan with my love and my dogs.

from the Misawa Air Base website
Meet Beau.  He's the guy in the flightsuit and the blue hat and his name is Jason.  He's showing off an F-16 to the Japanese Minister of big deal.  He was born and raised in North Fond du Lac, Wisconsin.   He went to the Milwaukee School of Engineering and is a EE (Electrical Engineer).    We graduated from high school in 2000, but he took an extra year of college to finish up his smart guy degree.  He commissioned into the AF in 2005 and was also assigned to Las Vegas, but only for a year.  He then went to a series of schools for pilot training, and spent a year at Osan before joining me in Misawa.  He loves bartending and tuning his skis/my snowboard, keeping up with tech geekery, listening to music and running marathons.  

Together we spend tons of time in the gym, cooking/enjoying a beverage, and adventuring around Japan.  Oh, and chilling out, because our lives get crazy with his work.  We have two Yorkshire rupps that go with us as much as possible...they're our furkids.
Nozzle...he's a mama's boy (personal photo)

Chiyo...she's just crazypants (personal photo)

Next up:  the story of us, from the beginning.

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