At this point in our planning, we're supposed to have our wedding rings ordered. This kinda snuck up on us somehow...probably because we just got my engagement ring all re-ordered and whatnot. But I wasn't too concerned, because Beau is a laid back guy anyways, and he didn't have many demands for his ring. He really likes the technology behind the Titanium rings, so he didn't want gold or any other metal that could bend around his finger. He will have to take his ring off a lot anyways, but he liked the idea of the ring not bending or breaking if something atrocious happened to his left hand. For a hot minute, he was worried about what would happen if his finger were to swell up or some other emergency, but we asked his friend Nick, an EMT, if it would be an issue. He assured us it wasn't, so I started looking for rings. He gave me a little bit of input (wider band, silver color) and off I went. It didn't take long. In fact, I've had his ring picked out since before I left Korea.
Beau....stop reading now love. You don't get to see this yet.
looky what arrived the other day! All photos personal. |
Trying to show you the texture. I heart it. |
I'm fairly certain I found it via Martha, and I bought it from
Titanium Kay. I was impressed with the customer service...I forgot to add the engraving service when I ordered the ring, so I e-mailed to ask them what to do. They e-mailed back within a couple of hours to tell me just to buy the engraving service and they'd take care of it. BONUS: I'm pretty sure I got it within a week. What did I engrave, you ask? Remember the song we picked for our
first dance?
I'm sittin here all smug. I'm so creative. Very happy with how it turned out!
Love the ring! Good choice!