Thursday, March 22, 2012

Lost & Not Found

Just when I felt like I was finally hitting my stride blogging, something came along and knocked me off my smug little pedestal.  Friends, I apologize for the lack of my presence this week (because there are so many readers, ha).  You see, right after writing about how Beau painstakingly researched and bought my engagement ring, I went and did what every bride fears the most:  I lost it.  And this story (so far) doesn't have a happy ending like this one:
Picture from here.  A better story behind the picture is at NY Daily News.

Sigh.  I took it off for roller derby practice, because I just don't like wearing my ring during physical activities, and also because derby is a contact sport played (for us) on a concrete floor.  I was so scared of falling and catching myself (ok, well just the catching myself derby name is Major TBI [traumatic brain injury] because I have about zero fear of falling...I do it all the time!) that I took it off.  We'd been skating for about 10 minutes when one of the girls came in and told us that the weather was getting really bad.  In Misawa, March doesn't mean more often means blizzards and massive snowfall.  We're at 200 inches of snow for this winter and expecting 15-20 more this weekend (good lord, I hope not).   We live off base, where the roads are small and slick, so I was worried about getting back safely.  Unfortunately, that meant I hurried taking off my gear and didn't quite think about picking up my ring.  I had gotten home and started making myself dinner when I realized I didn't put it back on.  The hangar we practice in was still open and the weather had eased up, so I went back and searched, but to no avail.  About five trips back to the hanger, three or more facebook pleas, and one trip to the cops later, I gave up and contacted my bank (also my insurance company).  I'll have to let you know how it goes, but for right now, I'm just one sad, pessimistic panda. 

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