Monday, October 15, 2012

Pretty Puppy Formal Wear

If we were able to, we would bring our dogs with us everywhere.  Including the wedding and our honeymoon.  The problem is Japan is a rabies free country, which makes getting them back into the country a long, troublesome process.  Since they were both born here, have never left the country, and we're leaving in about 6 months, I see no reason to go through this torture now.  It makes me sad my fur kiddos can't be a part of the fun!  So a long, long time ago, I started looking for ways to include them.  I thought about just putting a picture out.  But somewhere in the interwebs (sorry I can't remember where), I saw a picture of a dog in a bowtie that a couple put in their program to advertise their photo sharing site.   What a brilliant concept!  I hadn't even thought about having a photo sharing site before that, but I loved that idea too.  So set up a site on ShutterFly, then got on Etsy and found Charlie <3 Diesel.  I set up a custom order, and then waited...and waited...and waited.  It almost didn't show up in time!  Poor Ashleigh's (the owner) machine had broken.  But today, literally the last day I'll be in Japan for a few weeks, my order showed up.  I cleaned the rupps up, and took them outside.  Chiyo peed on her tutu first thing, of course.  After a good half hour of wrestling with them and using a ball as bait (for Nozzle at least) I got a few decent pictures.  Now I'm just deciding which picture to use!

I'll take any opinions!
And just for dramatic flair, I present the "far off gaze" photo that they do so well:  

Special dogs is special!  

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