Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Why I Heart Skype

from Skype
Much of 2011 passed with Jason and I on Skype.  A LOT of time on Skype...luckily Japan and Korea are in the same time zone.  We chatted and watched shows like these...
We're completely fanatic about both!  The second part of the Walking Dead starts soon, in fact...but I digress.  I have two points here:  1.  If you need to know how to do long distance, I'm pretty much a pro...and 2.  Not much happened the first 5 months in our relationship.  We couldn't be together, so we did the best we could.  On March 22nd, I was SUPPOSED to go visit...but we all know what happened on the 11th...

Jason is the one in khakis.  Picture via
 The 9.0 earthquake and resulting tsunami ravaged my second was devastating to sit and watch from Korea and not be able to do anything.  Beau, however, obviously couldn't fly...Misawa became a hub for relief aid and many of the Airmen, if not assisting with transportation, went to help the local community.  Misawa was about 4 hours from the epicenter...enough to feel the effects and get damaged but not nearly as bad as in Sendai.  One day, the base webpage displayed this photo from the Misawa port>>>

I was so proud of him!

About a week after the earthquake, my leadership informed me that they just couldn't let me go on leave to was too dangerous.  It was frustrating because I'd lived there before, but I knew the base had limited resources, so I returned to Skype and waited patiently for about 2 more months...

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