Thursday, February 2, 2012

Facebook Official, Pizza Feelings & I Love Yous

So, from then on, we were together...I was instantly hooked on him.  We did try to break it off, once...but it only lasted a few hours.  It was terrible to even think about it.  It was because I was moving to Korea in a few months, and neither one of us had good experiences with long-distance relationships.  But we couldn't stand not being together in the meantime, and spent Thanksgiving with our Misawa families...
Gotta love a man that's willing to deal with my small, loud rupps!  All  photos personal.  

Shortly after, he had to go to Komatsu for work for 10 days, and I pretty much lived in his house while I was moving out of mine.  We made it facebook official during that trip too...I seriously felt 13 again when it said we were "in a relationship."  It was the first time since I met him that I'd publicly admitted I was dating someone!  When he got back, we had time for one last outing with friends...

It's only hookah!  I promise. 
and then a few days later, in mid-December, I left my rupps, my friends and my Beau and moved to Korea.  I was so sad, but the shelling of Yeonpyeong Island and the exercises that followed it brought me and Jason together again just 6 days later.  He had to work a lot, and I never knew when he'd have to leave, but it was a blessing...I had just one friend in Korea (Natalie) and she went to the States for Christmas a few days before Jason showed up.
One night in bed, we had a funny conversation about our feelings for one another...I was avoiding saying "I love you," even though I knew that's what I was feeling.  When he asked, I just said that I felt stuff.  He said, "Well, that could be like the trunk of your car...when you say 'stuff', it could be something good, like 20 pizzas for your friends, or it could be bad, like a dead body."  To my weird sense of humor, this was hi-larious!  I cracked up and immediately answered with "pizza feelings," a phrase we still use.
When he did have to return to Misawa, I skipped work for the day and sat with him until it was time to get on the plane.  I had a moment back and work and had to go to the bathroom and cry...a minute or two a coworker came in and asked what was wrong.  I told her the very short version of our story, and she goes "Oh!  God keeps putting you two back together, so you know it's for a reason!"
It was just a day or two after Jason got back to Misawa that he asked me "Is it too soon to talk about what you're going to do after Osan (Korea)?"  I said no, and later that night we exchanged our first "I love you"s over Skype.

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