Thursday, February 2, 2012

The Month of October

October is generally one of my favorite's not too cold yet, and it has the best holiday ever IMHO...HALLOWEEN!  One of my favorite movies is the Nightmare Before Christmas, and I think I've dressed up for Halloween more as an adult than as a kid.  In October 2010, I got another reason to love the month:  Jason.
Once we got back from our vacations, it only took us two weeks to FINALLY give in and get together.  That first weekend, we went out with the guys in his squadron, and it was the first time he stayed over...but nothing happened!  Honest!  The boy slept in his jeans!  The next weekend is when all those feelings finally caught up to me.  On Friday evening, I was cleaning my closet, literally knee-deep in clothes, when he called and asked me to go bowling with him.  I caved and got dressed, because bowling sounded better than cleaning.  I met him and Ricky there, bowled exactly one game, then went back to his house to hang out.  Ricky ended up talking to his wife (who was deployed) for a long time and then peacing out to sleep...leaving Jason and I on the couch to watch tv.  But we didn't watch anything...instead we bonded over a particularly rough year for the both of us.  He'd had a rough year flying; I was beginning to realize my Air Force career was over.  But more than that, we were both starting to realize that things were falling apart so we could fall together.  
I had to fight SO HARD to get myself to leave that night, and after I did, he sent me a text that said "Thanks for hanging out with me tonight, and now my new favorite shirt smells like your hair."  It absolutely made me melt. On Saturday, I had a going-away dinner at a brewery and then Jason had invited me to go to a Halloween party with him.  I was so giddy!  He came and picked me up, since our dinner was all-you-can-grill/drink and I was well past the tipsy edge.  Liquid courage man... apparently I needed it that night!  Because I made a ballsy move...when he took me back to my house to change, we barely got into the front door before I pinned him to the wall and smooched him.   He was pretty shocked, to say the least, and just laughed and told me to go get dressed.  We were late to the party, but we made an entrance!
He was a video game character, I was a Japanese girl
complete with Engrish dress (personal photo)

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