Thursday, May 10, 2012

Paperless Planning, Shelley's Edition

It's funny that frequently, I think I have a good idea for a blog post, and then one of those lovely Bees usually posts about it!  Great minds think alike, right?  Like this post from Miss Mink.  I had just been thinking that there was a lack of wedding papers in my life.  I attribute this mostly the fact that I'm not in the States to receive paper copies of contracts and information brochures.  But I HAVE a planner, and tons of magazines.  What are they doing?
All Photos Personal. This is where I keep my magazines...I'm a packrat.

A year & a half's worth of bridal magazines!

Chillin' in one of my hall closets.  Yep.  I feel kinda bad that they're kinda useless right now.  I think I may actually use them eventually, it's just that I've been tackling things like venue and catering that I don't really need inspiration for.  Also, I've kinda been on inspiration overload lately, and I've kinda cut back on my magazine readin' and blog stalking.  ALSO, I have a tech-lovin Mr., whose father took my wedding spreadsheet and gave it crack.  I can't even get it open right now...sigh.

But let's talk about this planner some more.  I bought it, not because I'm southern or this one appealed to me the's just that it was at the Exchange (think a version of Wal-Mart specifically for military peeps), and sometimes we have to just buy something if we even THINK we want it.  I'm surprised there's not brawls for things like box fans and dehumidifiers among the folks who live on base and don't have air conditioning.  
Anyways, You can see I do have some checklists and contracts printed out (for reading, since I don't like the computer screen reading), and you can barely see some magazine tear-outs at the top.  Also, those post-its are my reminders to work on wedding stuff.  But that's about the extent of my paper-planning, which kinda surprises me.  I'm the nerd who really can't grasp the idea of reading a book on an iPad, even though in theory, it sounds like a good idea.  I need to flip the physical's gratifying!  I also usually end up putting my to-do list on stickies, even though I have an app for that on my iPod.  I guess it's too easy to stay on my computer while I check out 5 different vendor websites at once!
I have busted it out again, because I need my dress inspiration pictures to make a decision (that I'll blog about soon, I promise.  I know I've been hinting around it).  And since some big decisions are done or almost made, I can start workin' on the fun stuff--clothes, invites, details, projects, DIY, yay!

Did you go paperless (or mostly paperless) for all your wedding planning?  Do you have a fancy-schmancy spreadsheet too?  Can I see it?  (hehe...just joking...mostly...)

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